Friday, September 26, 2008

Update: Doing Life Together

Hundreds of our New Hope family attended our Doing Life Together Sunday September 14, 2008. The positive response and feedback was overwhelming. There were several very exciting announcements. Although some of you who attended already received this information if you requested it, I thought it would be beneficial for our church family to recap the evening.
Ty Mattson presented our newly completed vision book. This book clearly articulates our direction for the future, the reasons why, the values and characteristics that we will seek to embrace, and how we will accomplish the vision. This information was compiled from meetings with our pastors, staff, leaders and congregation, attending services and Doing Life Together, listening to message tapes, and face to face interviews over the last six months. The book captures the heart and essence of who we are and what we are about. If you would like a copy of this material, please email me.
Kurt and Sally Kroon were introduced as the new associate youth director on our Student Community Team assisting Pastor Peter with both junior high and senior high. Kurt is an experienced youth pastor and is currently finishing seminary at George Fox University. He and his wife Sally have been in ministry for five years and are an excellent addition to the team. He will serve part time as he finishes seminary.
Dr. Jay and Jan Barber will be joining our team as Pastor at Large. Jay has just retired after 12 years as President of Warner Pacific College. Jay will preach and teach from time to time, mentor some of our developing staff, be a liaison to Warner Pacific College as we create a closer relationship in ministry to the campus, and represent New Hope to the greater metro area business and professional community. He serves on the advisory board of the Murdoch Foundation. We are so appreciative of their belief in the vision and willingness to join us and serve in this capacity. We are providing a small honorarium to help cover some of their expenses.
Our application for zoning and entitlements with Clackamas County and the City of Happy Valley have been deemed complete and the dates for our hearings are being set. This is a huge milestone. We are fully expecting to have our zoning and entitlements for the new project before the end of the year, which will allow us to move ahead rapidly with the financing and design phase.

A letter of intent has been signed on our new interim facilities with the North Clackamas School district, starting January 3, 2010. We will be announcing the actual facility shortly. It is large enough to accommodate our needs, has an inspiring worship space and lots of parking. There will be room to accommodate Waumba Land, New Hope Kids, Student Community, and New Hope Bible Fellowship Class. We are also making arrangements for our New Hope Latino community.

Finally, we asked for feedback at our Doing Life Together from the congregation. We received five pages of very exciting and positive comments from the evening, as well as some common questions and concerns. These are very important. Next week in the ipastor I will share the feedback and address the concerns so that you will have the information you need as we move ahead. Again, thanks for all your wonderful support and commitment. Please let me know if we can assist you or answer any questions. Call us or stop by the Eagle Landing/New Hope Development Center. There is a question and comment box for you to use by the model.

Sunday September 28
This Sunday we will welcome Pastor Wes Davis as we continue in the series Go Fish! Wes has personally put this into practice in his own life and in his church New Life in Kitsap, Washington. HYPERLINK ""
New Life is one of the fastest growing churches in Washington, an unchurched state similar to ours. They are reaching people for Christ who have never gone to church. Wes’s warmth, humor and stories will inspire and give you practical ideas on how to reach your friends for Christ. He is a personal friend and is very excited about the vision and future of New Hope.

Pastor Ray Cotton
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