Friday, September 19, 2008

Thoughts on the Week

Written Sept. 18th


The economy hit a new low this week, and just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse, there was more bad news. The government rescue of AIG, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac gives pause to all of us. A doctor friend shared that he was treating more people for depression because their financial outlook had become uncertain as their pensions collapsed. Even in our church family I sense that there is a lot of fear about the future. How do we as the followers of Christ deal with all this? Is there hope for the future? Is there any good news?

Jesus often exhorted His disciples, “Don’t be afraid.” Fear paralyzes us and keeps us stuck in the wrong places. It also causes us to hold back on the commitments we know we want to make, but are fearful to move ahead. In recent weeks, our attendance has been growing again, but our offerings still lag far behind. There are many reasons. Some of our people have lost their jobs and others work in commission based businesses that barely provide enough to live on in the present economy. Perhaps the greatest reason is fear over the future and questions if God will provide as we are faithful in our stewardship to Him.

Yes there is good news. Jesus spoke the following words to a culture that often didn’t even know where their next days meal was coming from. They had no checking, savings, money market, IRA, or pension accounts. They didn’t need closets to store all their clothes; they stored them on their backs. “And don’t worry about food-what to eat and drink. Don’t worry about whether God will provide it for you. These things dominate the thoughts of most people, but your Father already knows your needs. (31) He will give you all you need from day to day if you make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.” Luke 12:29-31

Let me encourage you that we are going to make it through all of this! The economy will turn around, real estate will go back up, and good times will come again. Some of us will be kicking ourselves because we didn’t buy when the prices were down and missed opportunities. Probably none of us will ever miss a meal, even if we don’t stop as much at Starbucks. (And who among us couldn’t really stand to miss a meal or two?) The real question is, will we make the Kingdom of God our primary concern? Can we look back and say, “That’s the time I really learned what it meant to trust God for my provision and to put Him first in my life?” This is an opportunity for all of us to grow and to invest in the things that will make an eternal difference. To those who are already faithfully doing this, thank you so much!

I have personally been through times when I had nothing, and I had to pray for the daily provisions of life like toothpaste and toilet paper. Now that’s scary. I have been through a time in a past downturn where I literally lost all my life investments. But I learned this simple truth, put God first and He will always be faithful. I have never missed a meal. Luke 12:31 became my life verse at age 18 while I was in college, and God has always proved true. Now is the time for us to focus on what really counts. Jesus concluded by saying, “So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the kingdom. Sell what you have and give to those in need. This will store up treasure for you in heaven! And the purses of heaven have no holes in them. Your treasure will be safe. Wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will be also.”

Be encouraged, keep your priorities focused, and trust God to do His part. That is real hope! Thank you in advance for keeping the vision and ministry of our church strong and growing. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we celebrate together all the great things God is doing in people's lives even in the midst of all that surrounds us.

Pastor Ray


Anonymous said...

thanks so much for addressing real issue that face each day. Like the downturn and the failing financial institutions.

It was good to hear from Jesus as you reminded of what he said so long ago.

You and Christ words encouraged me today

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the encouragement. It seems that given the present economy it's been all too easy to get tunnel vision, focus only on how these issues effect me, lose sight of the big "kingdom" picture and get caught up in anxiety about my inability to control things. Thank you for the reminder that someone greater is in control, that my worrying doesn't accomplish anything, and that this could be a time of growing deeper in relationship with God and with each other as a community of Christ followers.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your encouraging words. It has been my experience throughout my life of 69 years that God is faithful to His children!! In the midst of hard times, financially, emotionally, physically or spiritually He ALWAYS provides a way for me.
We are so blessed in this counry, even in the hard times, that we must praise Him for Who He Is and that He is our Provider.

Anonymous said...

We live in another state and receive the e-mail newsletter because of our interest in the growing and changing ministry of New Hope. We bear witness that God does not EVER have a problem with finances, shortages or fear itself. He is our Source, and we are so excited as we watch New Hope walk through these exciting times. God bless you all.